Sunday, July 26, 2009

So many of you know Joey Ianno who I've been traveling with this summer along with Megan Hershiser. For those of you who don't know Joey, he's quite witty and has a tendency to make light of most situations. On the other hand, he says a lot of dumbass stuff. Never-the-less, this dumbass stuff has kept me thuroughly entertained over the course of the past two months and as Megan and Joey prepare to fly home this evening I'd like to share a few of these moments with you.

WARNING: This may in fact make you feel a bit dumber.

One day Joey and I were discussing dread locks and he asked me if I'd ever grow mine back. I told him I wouldn't. He replied, "What if I payed you $80,000 per year?" I agreed that for $80,000 I would grow my dread back. He then added that if he were to pay me I'd have to wear nothing but a t-shirt, running shoes, and business socks. We've since agreed that t-shirt w/ no pants is the funniest thing any human being can wear.

Another evening we were discussing what we would do if we were rich. Joey proclaimed that he would buy a hot air balloon apartment and float across the world dropping waste on people. Furthermore, he would buy a giant projector to project his face on the moon leaving the earth with a perpetual full moon of Joey's face. This went on for quite some time before he decided that his money would be better spent on fart vantriliquism.

As we walked down the road one evening, out of nowhere, Joey said that fat people are furniture hell.

These were just a few of the things that made my summer a little bit dumber!

p.s. If you're interested in the many more I'm happy to share on my return!

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